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© 2019, My Mayan Sign

Your Birthday

Your Day Sign


Caban (Yucatan) / No'j (Kiche)
Personality: Mentally active, rational, intelligent, and practical. Generally liberal and progressive. Argumentative and have strong convictions.

The Earth sign represents everything about the brain and its powers for the Mayans. Maybe you can see the convolutions of the brain on its symbol? It definitely does not resemble the earth element in classical astrology. Earth people have strong and active brains. The contents of the Earth sign are intellect, intelligence, strong analytical skills, mental powers, and bright new ideas. As a native of this sign, you like to be an eternal student. Your outlook on life is like a scientist, a philosopher, or both.

Another name for this sign is “Earthquake.” You tend to create earthquakes in the sense of the mental world, the world of ideas. These earthquakes become emotionally visible, especially when people around you do not understand you. But the meaning of the word is not limited to a superficial level. In fact, you are here to bring these new ideas for the collective consciousness to be ready and evolve towards a new level [...]

Deep down, you like to be a pioneer for a change! You bring the future thinking into today’s world through your “Earthquakes.” These movements of mental tectonic planes will not always be smooth, and you are prone to conflict in your relationships. Suppose your mental energy is not transmitted to other like-minded people over a long period. In that case, you might find yourself in loneliness and despair. So you must find such people who are in similar frequency with you and hold on to those friendships. At the end of the day, you will find that there are not so many of them.

You may be an inspiring philosopher and a visionary, a debater, or someone with a confused mind. Brand new ideas from your brilliant brain would benefit the world or become another false dream. You have the potential to go in either direction. What is decisive is how you are going to deal with yourself. Be mindful. You must learn how to calm down and balance your excessive mental activity to avoid self-harming earthquakes. In other words, you need to “ground” your mental energy. Maybe this is the real meaning behind the name of this sign. Come to Earth!

I highly recommend methods like journaling or note-taking. These will help you to empty your brain and unload your excessive ideas. Why not create something actually by writing? Write a blog or a first draft of a book. Worst case scenario; get a giant whiteboard in your house and write everything on it [...]

You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships. You tend to be loyal and compromising, and you have good manners in a marriage situation [...]

Challenge: Carrying out your own life in accordance with a plan.
Remedy: Becoming more flexible and patient.

Appropriate professions: artist, doctor, spiritual guide, mathematician.

Signs you get along with: Earth, Road, Wind and Deer
Signs that contribute to your growth: Earth, Cane, Crocodile, Serpent and Water

Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your businessrelationships, and spiritual growth.

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There are 20 Mayan signs, changing daily. The day you were born determines your Day Sign. It shows your typical attributes, your most dominant characteristics.

You have eight more signs surrounding the Day sign, each explaining a different aspect of your life. It is called a Tree of Life and consists of three columns and three lines.

The central column signs in the center make up the core of your being. They guide you, support and inspire you on your journey throughout life.

The female column signs influence your private life and intimate relationships. Not just the romantic relationships but also the family ties and relationships with the significant others.

The male signs influence your job, career, your power relationships. How you interact with the world and what you serve to the society at large.

There are three main stages in your life: Youth, Adolescent, and Maturity.

Which of these signs will influence you the most depend on your age. The dominant sign at each of the columns will change over the years.

You also have a Galactic Tone and a Trecena Sign, which are complementary to your Day Sign.

To see the complete picture, you can get a Detailed Report describing all of the nine signs on your Mayan Tree of Life.

Your Tone



* Mysterious
* Magic
* Beyond the realms of the worlds
* Reflective
* The flow of divinity
* Dreams
* Purpose
* Arrow

Tone 7 is right in the middle of the thirteen tones. It is similar to the top of a pyramid that extends to the sky. It creates a bridge between the spiritual world and the mundane world. You have been involved in spiritual matters since birth. Intuition and the ability to receive guidance through dreams are your substantial aspects.

The 7 energy is a mirror that divides between light and darkness. It is a gate that opens to dreams, mysteries, and the unknown [...]

Your Trecana Sign


Chuen (Yucatan) / B'atz (Kiche)
Personality: Attractive, artistic, clever, and demonstrative with feelings. Have many interests, talkative and very curious

Cute, clever, and generous you are, it is impossible not to notice you. You have a strong character, and sometimes you choose to stay distant from people, probably because of the discomfort you are feeling with intense emotions. Thanks to your charming personality and jokes, you become the center of attention with the speed of light.

Monkey is a natural-born artist and artisan. You are talented in music, painting, handmade art objects, basically, any area where the creative energy flows. However, you are at your best while performing. Dancing, singing, and especially acting skills come spontaneously to you. Constantly being under the spotlight, you enjoy being the center of attention. If you have not discovered these aspects yet, you should consider doing so. And why not get a career in this direction? You can even consider being a TV host. You will naturally draw fame into your life.

To put it most simply, Monkey symbolizes the child within us. An innocent child who is curious, creative, playful, and funny. This is the toddler who paints the house's inner walls or plays the violin in a new and innovative way. They are artistic and creative with their free will. We know from common sense and social experience that looking after such children is sometimes challenging and even exhausting. Most often, we do not provide enough room for this child [...]

When your creative channel is open, you can benefit yourself and the community. The master key is keeping alive the dialogue with your inner child. The extraordinary, artistic, curious aspect in us, the child buzzing with energy, must live on. As an adult, our task is to protect this child, and in return, we receive the nourishment of inspiration. So remember your childhood dreams [...]

You may be in search of a perfect life partner. This can be frustrating, but you do your best to protect and maintain the relationship when you believe you have found your partner [...]

Challenge: Not staying focused long enough to learn and be good at one subject
Remedy: Keeping creative channels open
Appropriate professions: artist, dancer, midwife, physiotherapist, therapist.

Signs you get along with: Monkey, Owl, Crocodile and Death
Signs that contribute to your growth: Monkey, Eagle, Storm, Night and the Deer

Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your businessrelationships, and spiritual growth.

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