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Your Birthday

Your Day Sign


Eb (Yucatan) / E' (Kiche)
Personality: Relaxed, courteous, thorough, and useful. Also, sensitive, touchy, and easily hurt. Ambitious and hard-working. Traveler.

As a Road person, the best place to tap into your potential is abroad. Your interactions with people from other countries have a crucial role for you (even if you meet them in your own country). They will remind you about your purpose and your place in life. Indeed, you may choose to live where you can make a living and a career instead of living where you were born.

There is a saying, "Who knows more? The one who reads a lot or travels a lot?" The best answer probably is about doing both. But being a nomad is definitely the right choice regarding the Road sign. Being on the Road symbolizes being on a spiritual journey while traveling, learning, and growing. Your life purpose is to be a Road Man (or Woman), as the indigenous people call it. Walking the Road of Life, you share your wisdom with the people you meet along your journeys. You also learn from them, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly [...]

You are very delicate and highly considerate. Mayans say that Road people will be thinking about seven generations ahead. In a way, you are very aware of the Karma yoga principles. You will be very careful to act upon something. It is common to see Road persons in voluntary work positions dedicated to improving the social and ecological life or any other humanitarian and social service [...]

Road symbolizes the spiral of life. This sacred path of energy is of two spirals. One originates from the sky, traveling down to earth through the spinal cord. And the other back up to the sky. This "Stairway to Heaven" is the path which the Divine Consciousness walks down to the earth, step by step. You're that stairway itself, humbly bowing down and taking the weight of those steps on your back.

Mayans say Road sign is an empty container. You are an empty vessel for the divine inspiration to fill, in service of helping humanity. This is the source of your humility. The less you are, the more you could be of service.

You are lucky in love, yet you must experience various relationships in your lifetime. It may be difficult for you to commit to relationships, but you can have a good one with a non-controlling partner who is not pressing. You have a higher chance of being happy [...]

Challenge: To avoid poisoning oneself by suppressing anger
Remedy: Letting others know how you feel.

Appropriate professions: Merchant, administrator, mathematician, banker.

Signs you get along with: Road, Earth, Wind and Deer
Signs that contribute to your growth: Road, Owl, Light, Seed and Rabbit.

Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your businessrelationships, and spiritual growth.

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There are 20 Mayan signs, changing daily. The day you were born determines your Day Sign. It shows your typical attributes, your most dominant characteristics.

You have eight more signs surrounding the Day sign, each explaining a different aspect of your life. It is called a Tree of Life and consists of three columns and three lines.

The central column signs in the center make up the core of your being. They guide you, support and inspire you on your journey throughout life.

The female column signs influence your private life and intimate relationships. Not just the romantic relationships but also the family ties and relationships with the significant others.

The male signs influence your job, career, your power relationships. How you interact with the world and what you serve to the society at large.

There are three main stages in your life: Youth, Adolescent, and Maturity.

Which of these signs will influence you the most depend on your age. The dominant sign at each of the columns will change over the years.

You also have a Galactic Tone and a Trecena Sign, which are complementary to your Day Sign.

To see the complete picture, you can get a Detailed Report describing all of the nine signs on your Mayan Tree of Life.

Your Tone



* Connection to others
* Soft blanket
* Comforting
* Direct connection
* Perspective
* Patience
* Remaining strong

From 1 to 13 is a long journey of evolution, and at the station of Tone 9, we find the power of patience. It is almost at the 70% mark of the journey, where most marathon runners need to go through a particular shift in their minds to keep up the hard work.

Tone 9 brings you a broad perspective on life and issues. Therefore, you know how to be patient. Thanks to this energy, you maturely own your power. The 9-point allows for plans and projects to come into the last completion stage.

Your Trecana Sign


Kan (Yucatan) / K'at (Kiche)
Personality: Interested in leadership and performance, active, dynamic, and sexual. Influential, with high standards

The Seed represents abundance, sexuality, the potential and the question of awakening it, and last but not least, the sense of ego. Your life is mostly rolling around these themes. Also, your mind is abundant with thoughts, and you like to spread seeds of consciousness, whether they fall on fertile soil. Maybe it is a good idea to choose the ground wisely for your seeds. It is not because you will fall short of sources, but rather avoid unnecessary opposition, which might unnecessarily consume your energy [...]

You are organized, energetic, and dynamic. Your work revolves around performing, and your career will develop better when you actively spend your vital energy on it. You like to sweat rather than sit at a table all day long.

Family, sexuality, and mysterious awakenings are important in your life. You are very earthly, generally, have good health, and carry the energy of abundance. According to the Mayans, people born on a Seed day will be wealthy and wise. “Good luck” will come to you when you live a life of purpose. If you direct your life force towards a business or an art form of your choice, you will become a master of it, get riches and live with wisdom. Nevertheless, there are potential pitfalls, which I will explain shortly.

One of the names given to this sign is "The Net." Whatever you want in your life can come in many numbers. Just like a fish net, you can collect many things at once. A lot of business ideas, information, people in your network, partners, tools, you name it. But is this a blessing or a curse?

The net of abundance sometimes turns into its opposite: a web of traps. That extra something might be creating problems for you. If you hold on to all the options you collected, even if you do not need them, they can make your weight heavy. The same things that brought you clarity will lead to confusion. Same valuable items in your baggage that once brought riches can now bring you debt, and the abundance will be lost [...]

Just realize those traps that you set for yourself. Be aware of anything that comes with your ego, which is holding you back or putting you down. If you have accumulated a lot of anything out of fear or out of a scarcity mindset, let go.

Less is more. Always choose simplicity to complexity, minimalism to maximalism. Let go of extra food in your fridge, spare clothes you're not using, and let go of superfluous people in your network that you're keeping, just in case [...]

Sexuality has great importance in your life. You must learn to use your sexual energy maturely and positively. Otherwise, you may suffer a lot. Heal your sexual complexes and obsessions, if you have any. You need to learn how to balance and direct your sexual energy toward spiritual growth. It will be beneficial for you to go into Tantric teachings [...]

As a Net, you are a very social, natural networker. You love introducing people to each other; it is your job to gather information. You are constant with your social life, but your relationships are pretty unusual. Due to your charm and spiritual awareness, you will feel safe and secure in creating a harmonious love relationship. Family life will bring more challenges but more magical abundance and a sense of purpose. If you feel like being a parent, go for it, you will be a great one [...]

Challenge: Being a balanced individual and being mature in sexuality.
Remedy: Performance-related activities, sweating the details.
Appropriate professions: Doctor, Farmer, Gynecologist and Manager

Signs you get along with: Seed, Jaguar, Storm and Water.
Signs that contribute to your growth: Seed, Road, Owl, Light and Rabbit

Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your businessrelationships, and spiritual growth.

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